
Welcome to my site.  Its purpose is to chronicle my attempts to side hustle and build an income stream that is greater than or equal to my paycheck from my standard 9-5.  Seems a bit odd, right?  Well that seems a bit more realistic to me than saying I’m going to make millions of dollars with side hustle (doesn’t mean I won’t try).  We all have to start somewhere and this my start.

What I hope to do is share my current ventures, suggest some new ideas, and chronicle what is happening with each.  My hope is that my story can be a blueprint for others who wish to add more income to their lives.

So why do this?  Well for starters, I have realized that climbing the corporate ladder to attain wealth is far too risky, takes far too long, and represents a lot of opportunity cost if that is the ONLY thing I am going to do.  So don’t get me wrong, I still plan on hustling my way up the corporate ladder  There certain benefits to staying in Corporate America…we can touch on those another day.  But if I am not making use of my non 9-5 time to earn, then I am really doing my present and future self a huge disservice.   More to come with subsequent posts.  I think this is a good start for now.

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